Pink Bits (Tied in Pink) Anthology
For Breast Cancer Research
"Tied in Pink"
Romance Anthology
Description of Project:
An anthology of romance genre short stories written by independent authors with all proceeds earned going to the Cancer Council of Australia to go towards breast cancer research.
This project has been inspired by several individuals known to the creator and contributors of the project, some of whom had lost their fight with breast cancer and is dedicated to their memories, and to those who continue to fight breast cancer.
Royalties earned and received for the sale of this project (Minus AMAZON’s fees for printing etc.) will be donated to the Cancer Council of Australia to be put towards research for the prevention and cure of breast cancer.
Submission guidelines:
Submission requirements are as follows:
A MAXIMUM of 5000 Words.
In the genre of romance (sub genres are allowed, but please see the restrictions below)
Standard formatting indentation 1.25 cm.
Times New Roman Font at 12 point in size.
Scene breaks indicated by using #.
Double spacing.
Submissions will be “blind” as in the works submitted will have the names removed from the manuscript before they are sent to the judges for consideration.
On publication, names will be returned to the submissions.
We are looking for between 10-15 stories for publication in this anthology.
The Anthology will be in a romance genre, all sub genres are welcome as long as they do not contain:
Overly explicit in the depiction of sexual acts or interourse
Contain intercourse or sexual acts with children under the age of 18 (Minors)
Contain intercourse or sexual acts with animals
Contain intercourse or sexual acts with machines/robots/androids
Acts of sexual violence (rape, sexual slavery, etc.)
Language Content:
Depending on the characters, explicit language MAY be used, as long as it is
Moves the story along
Is integral to the story itself
Is part of the character who is using the explicit language’s way of speaking.
Spelling is preferred to be in UK English, but US English will also be accepted.
Special content:
Each story must have in it a mention of a Pink Ribbon, this is an ‘Easter Egg’ for the Pink Ribbon campaign for breast cancer research.
Publishing Rights:
The contributing authors retain the rights to republish their work in other anthologies/periodicals/magazines/anthologies after 6 months of the Anthology being released.
Submission Deadline:
The deadline for submissions is the first of November for a 14th of December release. This is to allow for judging of submissions, editing, any formatting that may be required, layouts and final publishing.
Submissions can be sent to
Submissions should be in .docx or .rtf format and be attached to the email, not in the body.
The subject line should read: “Pink bits anthology submission - *Story name*”.
In the body of the email please have a short synopsis of your story, and a short bio.
Thank you for your consideration and for your interest. Though we do regret that some stories might not make this first anthology, I’m sure there will be another in the works shortly.
How your story will be judged:
Structure: 30
Grammar: 30
Creativity: 20
Adherence to topic: 10
“Wow!” factor: 10
Structure – 30 pts
1) Is the story told in a clear and focused manner without annoying overuse of adjectives
and adverbs?
2) Does the writer involve the senses (sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste) to help create a vivid picture?
3) Does the proportion of showing versus telling produce an active and engaging story flow?
Grammar – 30 pts
1) Is the manuscript free of typographical, spelling, and punctuation errors?
2) Is the work without grammar errors; or, if errors exist, are they necessary for the story’s atmosphere?
3) Is the entry presented professionally and following the format required by the contest?
Creativity – 20 pts
1) Is the narrative skillfully presented so that the reader is not overwhelmed with information or backstory?
2) Does the story give the reader an original but plausible world filled with inherent conflict and great emotional appeal?
Adherence to Topic – 10pts
1) Did the story remain on topic?
“Wow!” Factor – 10pts
1) On a scale from 0 – 10, how much “Wow!” factor did this story provide?
Judges will finalise their decisions on the 1st of Dece,ber, with Authors contacted on the 2nd.