Pink Bits (Tied in Pink) Anthology
For Breast Cancer Research
Who are we?
We are a group of international authors who are putting together an anthology in order to support breast cancer research.
All royalties and monies raised in the sale of this anthology will be donated to breast cancer research.
The Story of our idea:
So many people are affected by the struggle with breast cancer, not just the sufferers themselves, but their friends and family and their co-workers.
Sometimes we wonder what we can do to help.
I'm a writer, so I will help out the best way I know how:
By Writing.
Pink Bits (Tied in pink) is a romance anthology written by women and men from all over the world.
We have all been affected in some way by breast cancer, be it a fighter in the first degree, or a family or friend of a cancer fighter.
The stories are in multiple sub-genres of romance. Depending on the popularity of this endeavour we may produce another anthology in the near future with the same goal of donating all monies earned to breast cancer research.
If you would like to submit a romance story for the anthology, you can find our submission guidelines HERE.
If you would like more information, you can contact us
We are a registered fundraiser with the
Australian Cancer Council Pink Ribbon Campaign.